Wednesday 30 January 2008

Ooh Ive been tagged lol...

and I just know this will be a fluff up but here goes...
J...just me, thats all I ever am like it or not, Ive got no airs and graces, just common lol.
U...has got to be unorganised, big time. I start with good intention but it soon goes to root, and its in every aspect, from housework to money.
L...Definately lazy, I do what needs doing when it needs to be done and thats it, I dont look for jobs around the house lol.
I...Idiot, its my favourite word at the mo, theres a couple of others too but there not for here.
E...Excellent tryer, I try hard at everything even if I dont succeed. It could also be taken that Im an excellent tryer in the meaning that Im excellently trying, Ive got people to vouch for that lol.

I also thought that was going to be easy, its just taken me 35 minutes hahaha.

Friday 25 January 2008

The rest of my farm...

After a few days off...

and finally getting round to taking photos of my girls I thought Id put them on, the white one is Daisy, shes a White Leghorn and a bit vocal,shes also a bit tetchy so Ive had some sore fingers lol, The other one is Dolly, shes a Blackrock, a bit quieter but a bit too friendly so again, sore fingers. The other two are Sage and Onion, there some sort of Bantam but Im not really sure which kind, they were a donation from a breeder that had a few too many, now theyre more my sort of chicken, quiet and laid back and dont try to peck your face off. And the fresh eggs are way better than the ones from the shop.

Tuesday 15 January 2008


Another 3 hours taken up by a lump of plastic with a keyboard attached lol. Ive fixed it though yay. I dont think Im quite ready for a career in IT though, Ill leave that for the experts ta very much.

Blindin computers...

Well Ive had a nosey round and the problem with me having missing bits i.e fonts and stuff seems to be because my browser isnt up to scratch. It says I need internet explorer 7 and my browser wont support it, it must have gone on strike because it was working fine before I tried to fix it lol. *note to self...leave the bloody computer alone*
Anyways,Im going to have to borrow Sams laptop and do my blogging during the unfortunate is that...NOT, its wicked. Ive put an order in for one from the kids for my birthday so Ill probably get one at some point before retirement age lol.
I got a lovely new door yesterday, its a bow fronted one with 9 glass panes in and in right good nick. Theres a site called Freecycle, you have a look and if theres anything you like the sound of you email the person via the site, the good thing is everythings free, you just have to collect it yourself. Its great if youve got something you dont want, theres always somebody wanting something your throwing out. My plan was that I was goin to have it as the door into the kitchen from the backplace, a bit extra security, but that idea isnt going to work so Im going to see if I can get the council to let me have it on the front instead of the bloody horrible metal door Ive got at the minute, hopefully theyre going to say yes then Ill have light at the bottom of the stairs lol.
Its totally chucking it down here today, even my little clucks are sat in there hutch, unusual for the white one, shes a scruffy git and doesnt mind the mud, shes not her usual glowing white. Im sure she`ll look lovely again in the summer.

Monday 14 January 2008


My computer went on the fritz so I thought it would be a good idea to do a repair thing with the disk...I should have known better because its been a pain in the arse since lol. When Im doing a new post I cant change the colour of the fonts or anything, theres no option to upload pics, no nothing. Anyways, thats why Ive not rambled for a couple of days, Ive been trying to sort it out and have now finally admitted defeat, 1. I couldnt be arsed anymore and 2. the swearing was starting to offend the dogs. Im not sure its all this clapped out pc though, I think some of it may be the network...Bt broadband is probably getting as slow as there operators lol.
My son came out with yet another pearler yesterday...hes started going to the gym with a friend and was told that if he wanted to keep fit then it wouldnt help if they kept going to McDonalds after and that they would have to start and do some healthy eating. Aparently that didnt go down to well as he said he hated salad. I pointed out that he does in fact like lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, his reply was "yeh I like them but I just dont like salad". It does make you wonder what there learning in school these days lol.
Well Im stressed and tired so Im going to sleep it off lol.

Friday 11 January 2008


I give up, theyve not been back at school a week and there moaning, Im tired, Im bored, I dont want to do P.E, Ive got a bone in my arm. Then Im all things evil because I wont let them have the day off lol. Im not having a whine, it doesnt phase me anyore, I think Ive become immune, selective hearing is a wonderful thing when you learn to use it well. I just take myself to my happy place deep in my head, pop out occasionally to see if all is quiet then retreat back in if theres still the odd hormone flying round. Totally different if I want a moan about something, then Im nagging, they really havent seen me when Im nagging lol. Not that I ever do of course!!!
Ive been looking for a way to make a few quid, trouble is I havent got a clue where to start. My plan is to start a business or something but Im not the brightest button in the box, its been that long since Ive used my brain for anything apart from housework and stuff its gone into early retirement. It needs a good kick up its neuro transmitters (now theres a big word for this early in the day!)
Now Im a big fan of google, its helped me out of some scrapes with my computer, but Im never sure what to trust when Im looking, so when theres a site that tells you you can be earning hundreds in a week,Im a bit wary.
Back to the drawing board for now lol.

Thursday 10 January 2008

My Links Bit

Ive been busy fiddling with the My Links Bit and managed to put links on to all my other pages and one to my sis`s blog (craft chatter) too. My other blog bits havnt got much on them at the minute but Ill fill them up soon lol.

Im so proud...

Im saying this because today I passed a milestone. One of my New Years Resolutions was to lose the `baby` flab I gained after having the kids. Okay so its been 13 years since the last baby but Ive got used to having it around and its kept me warm lol, but its time to get it off. I cant remember where I saw the phrase "built for comfort not for speed", but wherever it was summed me up.
Anyway, this milestone that Im so proud of.....I REFUSED A GALAXY CARAMEL!!!!!
In my opinion chocolate was invented by Satan as a temptation from the path of thin-ness, and like any other temptation...its a damn tasty one and hard to resist.
My top ten list of chocolate:
1: Galaxy caramel
2: Malteasers
3: Galaxy caramel
4: Revels (exept the coffee ones that were put in as a punishment)
5: Chunky Kitkat
6: Galaxy caramel
7: Turkish delight
8: Toffifees
9: Milky bar
10: Galaxy caramel
Wish I hadnt done this post now because Im going to go to bed thinking of bloody chocolate lol.

Tuesday 8 January 2008


i reckon Winters here again lol. Winds blowing at the speed of light n its hailstoning that hard the cats sat under the table trying to look well-hard, hes not fooling anybody though, his eyes being like saucers and his tail looking like a loo brush kind of gave the game away bless. Ive let him have his moment though, Im spoiling him because in the next couple of weeks hes going to be without the two best friends a male can the voucher this morning . I think he heard me when I took this because hes keeping them close lol.

Monday 7 January 2008

Teenagers... it just me or are they all the same? My two never cease to amaze me. I dont know about men and women coming from different planets...

My daughter especially comes out with such random comments. Today my mum was talking about a duck she had bought for my pops, he wanted to try one, well my daughter started off by saying she didnt know you could eat them, after Id explained to her that yes people do in fact eat them, it started a discussion on chicken and turkey. Bear in mind that this is the same teen who said that she would only eat sausage as she was going to be vegetarian, so when she came out with the comment that she wasnt to keen on turkey as it tasted "birdy" I shouldnt really have been as gobsmacked as I was lol.

I cant think of any others off hand but Ill start and write them down, damn I could even write a best seller.

Sunday 6 January 2008

Thank gawd for that!

Two posts in the same hours pushing it a bit but I was just checking that everything was in order. I get confused really quick these days, the kids keep telling me its my age and Im starting to agree with them lol. Ive had a play with uploading some pics, there of my two dogs, the one being a gonk on his back is Dixie, hes so funny, and the little ginger one is bumble, shes just crackers. The cat laid across the back of the settee is Whisper. Shes nice about 70% of the time, the other 30% you just leave her with it lol.
I enjoy painting, I usually use acrylics but Im practising with watercolours too, not much good though, it ends up looking like a multi-coloured splodge so Im kind of thinking of giving them up as a bad job lol. Ive also try my hand at cardmaking, thats alot harder than it looks, its caused me a fair bit of swearing, especially when the little fiddly bit of paper you want on the card wont unattach itself from your finger.You sit there looking like your in the national air guitar finals with the flapping about you do, not to mention that flower that suddenly disappears and after 10 mins of looking for it you find it attached to your backside. Whoever said that a hobby is relaxing cant have tried that one lol.

Be nice, Im not computer literate!!

Hello and welcome, Im all a bit new so I`m probably going to fluff this up at some point lol. Excuse any spelling mistakes, Im writing in pale yellow on a white background and its really late so its not doing my eyes much good lol.