...is it just me or are they all the same? My two never cease to amaze me. I dont know about men and women coming from different planets...
My daughter especially comes out with such random comments. Today my mum was talking about a duck she had bought for my pops, he wanted to try one, well my daughter started off by saying she didnt know you could eat them, after Id explained to her that yes people do in fact eat them, it started a discussion on chicken and turkey. Bear in mind that this is the same teen who said that she would only eat sausage as she was going to be vegetarian, so when she came out with the comment that she wasnt to keen on turkey as it tasted "birdy" I shouldnt really have been as gobsmacked as I was lol.
I cant think of any others off hand but Ill start and write them down, damn I could even write a best seller.