Thursday, 10 January 2008

My Links Bit

Ive been busy fiddling with the My Links Bit and managed to put links on to all my other pages and one to my sis`s blog (craft chatter) too. My other blog bits havnt got much on them at the minute but Ill fill them up soon lol.

Im so proud...

Im saying this because today I passed a milestone. One of my New Years Resolutions was to lose the `baby` flab I gained after having the kids. Okay so its been 13 years since the last baby but Ive got used to having it around and its kept me warm lol, but its time to get it off. I cant remember where I saw the phrase "built for comfort not for speed", but wherever it was summed me up.
Anyway, this milestone that Im so proud of.....I REFUSED A GALAXY CARAMEL!!!!!
In my opinion chocolate was invented by Satan as a temptation from the path of thin-ness, and like any other temptation...its a damn tasty one and hard to resist.
My top ten list of chocolate:
1: Galaxy caramel
2: Malteasers
3: Galaxy caramel
4: Revels (exept the coffee ones that were put in as a punishment)
5: Chunky Kitkat
6: Galaxy caramel
7: Turkish delight
8: Toffifees
9: Milky bar
10: Galaxy caramel
Wish I hadnt done this post now because Im going to go to bed thinking of bloody chocolate lol.