Monday 14 January 2008


My computer went on the fritz so I thought it would be a good idea to do a repair thing with the disk...I should have known better because its been a pain in the arse since lol. When Im doing a new post I cant change the colour of the fonts or anything, theres no option to upload pics, no nothing. Anyways, thats why Ive not rambled for a couple of days, Ive been trying to sort it out and have now finally admitted defeat, 1. I couldnt be arsed anymore and 2. the swearing was starting to offend the dogs. Im not sure its all this clapped out pc though, I think some of it may be the network...Bt broadband is probably getting as slow as there operators lol.
My son came out with yet another pearler yesterday...hes started going to the gym with a friend and was told that if he wanted to keep fit then it wouldnt help if they kept going to McDonalds after and that they would have to start and do some healthy eating. Aparently that didnt go down to well as he said he hated salad. I pointed out that he does in fact like lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, his reply was "yeh I like them but I just dont like salad". It does make you wonder what there learning in school these days lol.
Well Im stressed and tired so Im going to sleep it off lol.

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