Saturday 9 February 2008

What a bloody week...

Ive had lol, to start with my lads been a right royal pain in the backside at school, upto yet hes had three detentions, two of which he refused to go to, a day in the isolation room for thumping someone in his class, my tellys gone on the fritz and then to top it all of my guinea pig died yesterday, poor little thing got a cold and as much as I tried it couldnt fight it off. All that and having a little rat problem on the back garden...this next weeks just got to get better. My lass Sams 16 on monday and she says the first thing shes doing is buying a lottery ticket, I suppose its better than her doing the other thing shes finally legal to do lol, Ive told all of them I may be old but Im way to young for grandparenthood just yet, I want all mine off my hands for a few years before they start with the next generation lol.
The planning stages for the new chicken run are under way, I know exactly what I want and now its just a matter of saving up to do it, First on the list is a shed for them to live in, I reckon Ive got a fox been trying to get in, that or a rat the size of a jack russell tunnelling,so in a shed theyd be alot safer. Liams been filling the holes up and hosing about 200 gallons of water down them which seems to be working, the holes arent appearing as quick. Ive also had to put chicken wire round the rabbit hutch, I went out the other night and Gracie was chucking a mental, the biggest rat jumped out of the hutch but I think Gracie scared it more than I did, shes a stroppy moose lol, saying that, its been ages since Ive been grunted at.

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